Seriously. People are stupid.
Today leaving work, I was maybe three or four steps in front of a woman. We were going through one of those foyers where there are two sets of doors to pass through, placed possibly 10 feet apart or so. Going through the first set, I held the door for the lady, and she walked up to the already opened door that I was holding and she pushed the handicapped "automatic door" button. Then at the next set of doors, I again held the door for her and she again hit the power door button.
What the hell?
And what is with the drivers who get pissed off when you are walking through a crosswalk - like you delayed them 13 seconds or so. They floor it and accelerate at top speed for 41.7 feet where they need to stop at the next light. Great use of fuel there buck-o! And I am sure it is really good for your car too genius. Seriously - with downtown Portland's blocks being less than 200 feet there is NEVER any reason to try and accelerate hard - you'll just end up stopped again.
Of course I have always wondered what is the motivation for people to pull into the intersection so that they get stuck there when the light turns red. Blocking the intersection really doesn't help you at all - and yet annoys everyone else.
Maybe people are not so stupid, but more like oblivious to what is around them. Oblivious to other people. Oblivious to just about anything except themselves and their own shallow little world.
Today leaving work, I was maybe three or four steps in front of a woman. We were going through one of those foyers where there are two sets of doors to pass through, placed possibly 10 feet apart or so. Going through the first set, I held the door for the lady, and she walked up to the already opened door that I was holding and she pushed the handicapped "automatic door" button. Then at the next set of doors, I again held the door for her and she again hit the power door button.
What the hell?
And what is with the drivers who get pissed off when you are walking through a crosswalk - like you delayed them 13 seconds or so. They floor it and accelerate at top speed for 41.7 feet where they need to stop at the next light. Great use of fuel there buck-o! And I am sure it is really good for your car too genius. Seriously - with downtown Portland's blocks being less than 200 feet there is NEVER any reason to try and accelerate hard - you'll just end up stopped again.
Of course I have always wondered what is the motivation for people to pull into the intersection so that they get stuck there when the light turns red. Blocking the intersection really doesn't help you at all - and yet annoys everyone else.
Maybe people are not so stupid, but more like oblivious to what is around them. Oblivious to other people. Oblivious to just about anything except themselves and their own shallow little world.