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Mt. Hood Meadows is inaccessible - Hwy 35 wiped out!

Well, what a pisser. After dropping $400 for the 4x4 season pass to Meadows we might not get to ski at all. No matter what the snow is like.

Highway 35 has been wiped out by mudslides.
(I am not sure how long that page will be current, so just in case here is a screenshot of the page...)

There are a few pictures of the damage here.

Oh well. It is not like I needed that $400 anyway...

Here are some more links:
FOX 12 reporting
Hood River News reports

Maybe I get to test my Jeep's off-roading capabilities now. :) That Mt. Hood Fusion Pass - in hindsight - looks pretty good right about now...


styrofoamtuna said…
Yeah, my Fusion Pass looks like a much better choice this week compared to last week. I was contemplating the 4x4 up to the last minute, but just couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. Now I'm sure glad I stuck with the Fusion. I do hope that they get a road to Meadows open, though - T-line & Skibowl will be crammed if they don't.
Anonymous said…
The Luxeon LED is really not bright enough like what you say. It also preduce too much heat. Do you know that? I think if you put more LEDs for your custom design LED brake tail light, your brake tail light should be brighter. However you will have to deal with heat that will ruin the LED s later. I just put new LED brake tail lights for my car. It is awesome with the quality of LEDs. I got it from
I wish I had some pictures to show you today. Keep up with finding the right LED bake tail light for your bike. I will bake to see it when you find the right one!!

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