Not only have they chosen one of the best Blogger themes, but the folks at cafe unknown have also put together a wonderful piece laying out much more eloquently than I would - why we should not be renaming Portland's streets , and how there are better more appropriate options. Please Please stop renaming Portland's streets. Portland has history too. And changing the names of the streets to honor those who were not really even part of Portland's history does a disservice to all of those who have made Portland their home in the last 150 some odd years. If you want to name new streets - fine. But keep the old ones. Please.
incursio : clash, collision / attack, raid, foray, invasion
An Attack on your sensibilties, Collision with society's norms, Raid on information, Foray into the unknown, and Invasion of my privacy.
Or something.
Maybe just stuff I like to write about.
From the soggy Pacific Northwest.