An interesting** paradox came to my mind while I was at the dentist. And no, I was not on any laughing gas. Although I do hate how as the shots wear off my nose tickled like I needed to sneeze... But dentist visits make for another entry. The religious Christian folks who advocate teaching "Intelligent Design" in our children's science curriculum usually use a certain angle. It is usually pointed out that "Intelligent Design" and "Evolution" are both theories and therefore can be taught side by side as theory. All-right, leaving aside the rebuttal that "Intelligent Design" is a moral, historical, allegorical, and theological "theory" and therefore doesn't belong in a SCIENCE curriculum, there is a glaring issue with their "teach them side by side" position. Creationists like to push the concept that we should teach both theories side by side, and let the kids make their own intelligent decisions about which ...
incursio : clash, collision / attack, raid, foray, invasion
An Attack on your sensibilties, Collision with society's norms, Raid on information, Foray into the unknown, and Invasion of my privacy.
Or something.
Maybe just stuff I like to write about.
From the soggy Pacific Northwest.