In a comment I made to BikePortland they censored the word "Jerks". They censored three words I used. The first was "Asshat", which while I clearly don't think that to be a terrible word, I will at least give them the leeway to censor that on their own site. However I am not sure what the problem was with the word "Jerks". Here is the original text of my comment: Too bad River City Bicycles is staffed by clueless asshats. I went in there twice in the last couple years to buy some moderately expensive bike things (a couple at about $300 each). The first time they were jerks, I chalked it up to maybe a bad apple or someone having a bad day. Last week we tried again and they were jersks again. So we left and spent our money elsewhere… Too bad too, I am in the market for a new Cannondale and they won’t get my business. (Note, the second occurrence of "Jerks" contains a typo extra s, I understand that already - no need to comment a...
incursio : clash, collision / attack, raid, foray, invasion
An Attack on your sensibilties, Collision with society's norms, Raid on information, Foray into the unknown, and Invasion of my privacy.
Or something.
Maybe just stuff I like to write about.
From the soggy Pacific Northwest.