I recognize that you only drive into "the city" to work or go to a special event. No big deal. But "the city" is also a neighborhood. I live in "the city", so do my family and pets. So when you come in to "the city" and drive like a jackass on your way to work - you put me and my family in danger. I'll tell you what. When you drive in to work in "the city" slow down a little, watch for crosswalks and children and pets. And I won't drive out to the burbs and haul ass around your neighborhood. I would be really angry if you killed my child while they were walking to the bus - just because you were frustrated that you and all your suburban friends clogged up the freeways with single occupancy vehicles - and you decided to take a short cut through "the city" at high rates of speed. Just because the buildings are taller than three stories doesn't mean people don't live here. Respect my neighborhood and I...
incursio : clash, collision / attack, raid, foray, invasion
An Attack on your sensibilties, Collision with society's norms, Raid on information, Foray into the unknown, and Invasion of my privacy.
Or something.
Maybe just stuff I like to write about.
From the soggy Pacific Northwest.